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Soundwave Scholars: Caiden Hoffman

“Soundwave Scholars” is a series in which we highlight original music created by Electronic Music Production students.

For May, we are highlighting Caiden Hoffman, a student of Walsh Kunkel who has excelled in his Electronic Music Production studies. Read on to learn about Caiden’s experience, inspirations, and goals. 

Check out his original track, “Starstruck”, here

Tell us about your experience with Electronic Music Production. How did you get started, what are some highlights, and what challenges you the most?

I first got started with music production one day out of boredom trying to find something to pass the time. A highlight for me would be the process of sampling an instrumental / accapella track and changing it to fit the BPM of the track. I find the most challenging part, also being the most rewarding part, is the process of turning two or more sounds into your own instrument that only you have access to.

How has your EMP teacher influenced your style and approach? What other artists or producers have inspired you? 

My teacher has influenced me to take an approach where I create my own instruments and drum patterns to use and become the most unique I can be. Walsh told me at the beginning of the lessons, “always have something in mind before you begin creating tracks,”. This helps me get started, or at least find a BPM I would like to work with. Two producers that inspire me are Nick Mira and Busy Works Beats, they have been the most important producers for me to learn from. 

 What are your long-term Music Production goals?

My long term goals are to make beats for Billboard artists or have a job in a studio. I really enjoy a lot of shoegaze, indie and rap/trap interests. A dream collaboration would be the opportunity to work with as many other new producers as possible.

What are the most important skills you’ve gained through your lessons? How has your understanding of EMP evolved since you began? 

Starting off, I knew little to nothing about production or organization, so the most memorable skill for me was learning how to make drum patterns and later on, applying effects to the drums. Looking at a blank DAW used to strike me with fear but since I started taking the course, I began to not fear creation but to bring it out and discover everything there is to know about the workspace.

What inspires your creative process and how do you overcome creative blocks?

Something that inspires me when working on a new track is my old tracks and how I felt creating those tracks carry over to the current project. To overcome writer’s block, I take short to medium breaks throughout creating projects to help me keep pushing and not just burn out. 

Can you share your social media handles or any platforms where people can find your music?

I post semi-frequently on TikTok and sometimes on Instagram. I post music in order to connect and have people work with me to grow my audience and community. I have recorded a few tracks with some people that have commented on work I posted on my TikTok / Instagram.

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