(443) 353 5300

Rock Band Terms & Conditions

Tuition & Billing:

We require  a  current  credit  card  to  be  stored  on  file  for  automatic  payment.  All  performance  programs require  monthly  payment  and  will  be  automatically  billed  to  the  card  on  file on the day of the first rehearsal, and then  on  the  1st of  each  month for the following months. Tuition is  annualized  based  on  the  calendar  year  and  NOT  billed  weekly.  You  may  have  3,  4  or  5  rehearsals  in  a  given month,  however  the  tuition  cost  is  the  same  each  month.  Tuition  is  equal  to  4  payments  of  $150, or 3 equal payments of $150 for summer program.

Late Fees:

A late  fee  of  $25  shall  be  charged  for  any  monthly  tuition  payments  received  after  the  7th  of  the  month.  If  monthly  tuition  fees  (including  any  applicable  late  fees)  are  not received  by  the  15th  of  the  month,  the  student will not be able to attend rehearsals until the tuition is paid.


If  joining  a  band  after  the  initial  start  date  of  the  program,  your  first  month  of  rehearsals  will  be  prorated based  on your  unique  start  date.  Remaining  payments  will  be  calculated  based  on  the  number  of  remaining rehearsals  and  billing  cycles.

Attendance, Missed Lesson & Make-Up Policy:

We do not refund or prorate  for  missed  rehearsals.  However,  if  a  rehearsal  is  canceled,  it  will  be rescheduled  promptly. If  a  student  is  unable  to  attend  their  rehearsal  in-person,  Stages  Music  Arts  can  provide  a  virtual  option upon request.  Excessive  absences  may  result  in  fewer  song  assignments.

Substitute Teachers &  Teacher Cancellation Policy:

In  the  event  of  an  instructor  absence,  Stages  Music  Arts  reserves  the  right  to  provide  a  qualified substitute.  Stages  Music  Arts  reserves  the  right  to  replace  a  student’s  current  instructor  with  a  new  qualified instructor  at  any  time  for  any  reason.


This  agreement  will  automatically  renew  each  month  and  will  remain  in  effect  until  the  end  of  the performance  program. Registration  for  the  program indicates  intent  to  pay  for  the  full  program,  therefore refunds  cannot  be  given  for  unused  rehearsals  nor  can  automatic  billing  be  halted  until  the  program  has concluded.  Groups  are  formed  based  on  each  member’s  intent  to  participate  and  having  a  student  quit  can ruin  the  experience  for  an  entire  class.

If for any reason an early release from the program is accepted, notice must be given by the 15th of the month to stop the next month’s billing. If we receive notice on the 16th or later, you will be billed for the following month.

Weather Policy:

In  the  event  of  inclement  weather  Stages  uses  email  and  text  messaging  as  an  initial  contact  with students  and  parents.  If  Stages  closes  the  facility  because  of  weather,  rehearsals  will  be  rescheduled accordingly.

Media Release:

I  give  Stages  Music  Arts  permission  to  record  my  or  my  child’s  participation  and  appearance  on  digital or  film photography,  video,  audio,  or  any  recorded  medium.  My  name,  likeness,  voice,  and  other  material  and information  in  connection  with  such  recordings  may  be  used  in  or  for  Stages’  written,  electronic,  and  web publications,  promotional  materials,  including  but  not  limited  to  social  media  and  apps.  Such  recordings may be reproduced,  distributed,  publicly  displayed  and/or  publicly  performed  in  print,  electronic,  or  any other  medium in whole or in  print.

Liability Waiver:


I hereby consent for my child/children to participate in programs offered by Stages, LLC, d/b/a Stages Music Arts Academy (“Stages”), and hereby waive and release all claims for damages for any personal injury, illness, death, property loss, or property damage which my child/children may sustain as a result of participation in Stages’ programs, events, activities, and/or trips.  I understand that there are many risks of participation, known and unknown, including risks of traveling while on trips, and hereby agree to assume all such risks associated therewith for myself and on behalf of my child/children.

Ear Plugs or Other Hearing Protection:  I understand the risks to my child/children’s hearing and general health of not wearing ear plugs or other protective hearing devices when participating in Stages’ programs, including exposure to loud rock music.  I also understand the risks to my child/children’s general health of not wearing ear plugs or other protective hearing devices when wearing headphones during classes or lessons or when participating in Stages’ other programs.  I hereby waive and release all claims for damages for any hearing loss or other general health damage which my child may sustain as a result of not wearing ear plugs or other hearing protection.

I, for myself and my child/children, forever indemnify and hold harmless Stages from any and all claims, demands, and actions or causes of action, including any and all costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, in any way related to, directly or indirectly, my child/children’s participation in Stages’ programs, events, activities, and trips.  I certify that I am financially responsible for any losses and damages resulting from my child/children’s participation in such activities, and that my child is able to safely participate in such activities.

This Liability Waiver is binding on myself and my child/children, and my heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of Stages and its successors and assigns.


Monthly  tuition  is  not  prorated  for  holiday  closures,  as  they  are  built  into  the  cost  of  tuition.  Stages Music  Arts  is  closed  in  observance  of  the  following  holidays:

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Winter Break (Christmas  Eve  through  New Year’s  Day)

  • Memorial Day

  • Independence Day

Code of Conduct:

Stages  Music  Arts  is  interested  in  promoting  the  integrity  of  and  respect  for  each member of our community and our visitors,  and  promotes  principles  of  courtesy  and  good manners.  Students  should  use  their  common  sense,  seek  advice  when  in  doubt,  and  to regulate  decisions  so  that  they  are  in  compliance  with  the  spirit  of  our  community.

1. Treat  others  with  respect,  regardless  of  their  age,  sex,  race,  national  or  ethnic  origin, religion,  socioeconomic  status,  gender,  sexual  orientation,  point  of  view,  or  physical characteristics,  and  be  sensitive  to  their  needs.  When  opportunities  present  themselves, we encourage  and require  conduct  that  affirms  and  strengthens  Stages’  cohesiveness  as  a community.  No  insulting  or  putting  others  down,  regardless  of  reason  or  cause.

2. Respect for  instructors,  staff,  and  other  students  is  expected  at  all  times  and  is  essential  to building  trust  in  the  community.  Physical  or  emotional  injury  to  others,  stealing,  and  willful destruction  of  or  damage  to  property,  both  that  of  others  and  your  own,  will  not  be tolerated.  Vandalism  will  not  be  tolerated.

3. No running, jumping,  horseplay,  or  touching  equipment  in  the  studios  or  rehearsal  rooms that  are  not  part  of  your  personal  instrument  rig.  If  you  are  not  sure  what  something  is, please  ask  first  before  touching.  Damage  to  equipment,  property,  and/or  instruments  will not  be  tolerated.

4. Refrain  from  talking  over  others,  this  includes  playing  your  instrument  while  others  are talking.  Vulgarity,  arrogance,  and  braggadocio  will  not  be  tolerated.

5. Be willing  to  share  your  ideas,  but  always  remember  that  no  one  is  ever  perfectly  right.  Do not  allow  your  own  sense  of  what  you  believe  is  right  to  be  compromised  or  changed  by group  or  peer  pressure,  but  always  be  willing  to  listen  to  others’  ideas  and  opinions.

6. Refrain  from  chewing  gum, eating,  and  drinking  anything  but  water  during  class.  Eating and  drinking  snacks  is  only  permitted  in  the  lounge  and  kitchen  area  and  not  in  the studios  or  rehearsal  rooms.

7. Proper  attire  shall  be  worn  at  all  times  including  shoes,  leg  coverings,  and  torso  coverings. No attire  shall  display  offensive  language,  nor  any  objectionable  or  inappropriate  symbols.

8. The use, possession,  sale,  distribution,  or  solicitation  of  alcohol,  drugs,  or  tobacco  products shall  be  grounds  for  discipline  up  to  and  including  expulsion  from  the  program.

9. No smoking permitted anywhere on Stages’  property.

10. Cell  phones  are  not  permitted  in  class.    Phones  should  be  silenced  and  shall  remain  with personal  belongings,  ie.  handbag,  backpack,  guitar  case,  and  outside  of  the  studios  or rehearsal  rooms.  These  and  other  possessions,  such  as  clothing,  jewelry,  money,  cameras, computers,  and  other  electronic  devices,  if  left  unattended,  can  be  damaged  or  lost. Students  must  take  full  responsibility  for  such  items  unless  placed  in  the  custody  of  Stages via  the  front  desk.  Therefore  it  is  highly  recommended  to  only  bring  what  is  absolutely necessary  for  class.

11. Assist  in  keeping  Stages  neat  and  clean,  including  disposing  of  trash  properly  into  a receptacle,  and  keeping  one’s  possessions  in  the  appropriate  place.

12. Weapons of  any kind  are  not  permitted  at  Stages.  Students  having  in  their  possession weapons  of  any  kind  or  look-alike  weapons  face  expulsion.  Students  who  threaten  others with  use  of  a  weapon or other  physical  violence  face  expulsion.  Stages  reserves  the  right  to notify  the  authorities.  Fighting  and/or  physical  altercations  of  any  kind  will  not  be  tolerated.

13. Sexual  and  other  forms  of  harassment  and/or  intimidation  are  not  tolerated  at  Stages. Every  individual  in  the  Stages  community  is  to  be  treated  with  sensitivity  and  respect  and is  entitled  to  work  and  learn  without  fear  of  intimidation,  humiliation,  and/or  degradation from  unwanted and unacceptable  behavior,  including,  but  not  limited  to  physical advances,  comments,  images,  and  technology  (ie.  social  media).  This  policy  applies  to relations  between  instructors/administrators,  between  students,  and/or  between instructors/administrators  and  students,  regardless  of  the  individual’s  gender  and/or  age.

a. Sexual  harassment  is  generally  defined  by  inappropriate,  unwanted,  and  uninvited attention  to  an  individual’s  gender,  apearance,  or  other  attribute  and  has  the purpose  or  effect  of  unreasonably  interfering  with  that  individual’s  work performance,  or  creating  an  intimidating,  hostile,  or  offensive  atmosphere,  or coercion  of  an  unwilling  individual  into  sexual  relations  for  favors  real  or  perceived.

b. Harassment may be broken into two categories,  all  of  which  are  unacceptable:

i.  Verbal

1. No sexual  innuendos  or  comments  and suggestive  remarks  about one’s  clothing,  body  or  sexual  activities

2. No suggestive  or  insulting  sounds

3. No peronally  offensive  humor  or  jokes  about  sex

4. No sexual propositions,  invitations,  or  other  pressure  for  sex

5. No implied or overt  threats

6. No comments in writing and/or  drawn images of a sexual  nature

ii. Physical

1. No patting,  pinching,  or  other  inappropriate  touching  or  feeling

2. No obscene gestures

3. No deliberate  brushing  against  the  body

4. No attempts or actual  kissing  or  fondling

5. No sexual assault  or  threats  thereof

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