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December Student Spotlight: Jeremiah Dean

Jeremiah Dean has a longer tenure at Stages Music Arts than almost any other student! This incredibly gifted drummer has literally grown up with a pair of drum sticks in his hand, playing in church from a very young age. He’s an incredibly dedicated student – taking advantage of any opportunity to advance his music education, whether directly on the drums or learning about music theory – he even has some pretty solid piano chops!

Jeremiah started taking lessons with Jason Cohen when he was FOUR years old! Jason is still his teacher to this day and says of Jeremiah:

“Jeremiah has always had so much drive, positivity and playfulness.  I call him “Mini Me!”  I should also mention that his parents are absolutely amazing and I have so much love for them. I expect big things from Jeremiah and I look forward to seeing him continue to shine! “

What is your instrument and how long have you been playing?

I study the drums because I grew up in watching the drummer in church and I always liked the instrument.

Who is your teacher and what do you love about them?

Jason Cohen has been my teacher since I was 5 years old. He is my friend and I love how he showed me how to be creative around the kit.

What kind of music do you like to listen to and play?

I listen to rock. My favorite artist right now is Red Hot Chili Peppers.

What’s your favorite thing about Stages?

My favorite thing about Stages is how I get to play with other musicians and perform. Jason wanted me for so long to be able to play with others and when he told my parents about Stages it made the difference. My best memory of Stages is playing at my first Frost Fest. It was amazing.

What are your musical goals?

I want to go to Messiah College for their music program and want to be a successful professional musician.

Tell us a fun or interesting fact about yourself not related to music.

I like to play video games – PS5 and Xbox. 

Do you know a student who deserves to be recognized? Nominate them for our Stages Student Spotlight!

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