January ’24 Student Spotlight: Dani & Dara Carr

Individually, Dani and Dara Carr are each a force to be reckoned with. Together, as they have been since the beginning, they are out of this world! Excelling in many past times, Dani and Dara were nominated separately by their teachers, so we decided to highlight them as they do most things – together!
Dani is a student of Jeremy Norris, who says of his experience teaching her:
“I have hardly taught Dani Carr anything – I’ve merely shown a dedicated musician the path and she has carried herself every step of the way. A 7th grader who is already principal of her school’s orchestra, Dani won a seat in the all county level, and is also a formidable soloist, arrived in Lesson Room 2 skilled and ready to play.”
Dara is a student of Matthew Borzymowski, who describes Dara:
“Dara is a versatile and tenacious musician, tackling classical and contemporary music ranging from Mozart to jazz to musical theater. Dara’s passion to experiment and learn has her developing a wide skill set in every musical avenue she approaches.“
Read on to learn more about these incredibly driven and talented twins!
What is your instrument and how long have you been playing?
Dani: The violin because I took it in sixth grade and really liked it.
Dara: I picked the piano to be able to accompany my sister on different songs and also because I thought it sounded really pretty for any style of music.
Who is your teacher and what do you love about them?
Dani: My teacher is Jeremy Norris. I like him because he’s fun to talk to and really helps explain the music I’m learning.
Dara: My teacher is Matthew B. and I love that he lets me pick the type of songs I want to play and can always teach it to me, no matter the difficulty. He is also very encouraging.
What kind of music do you like to listen to and play?
Dani: Sometimes Jazz stuff on YouTube and I like playing songs that take time to learn. I like listen to Men I Trust and Laufey.
Dara: I love Indie and rock music but I love playing classical pieces. My favorite band is Men I Trust.
What’s your favorite thing about Stages or a favorite Stages memory?
Dani: I like how Stages has multiple things you can learn for music and I like their holiday decorations. Also the staff is nice.
Dara: My favorite Stages memory is playing at the recitals.
What are your musical goals? What is one non-musical goal you have?
Dani: My musical goals are to improve on more things for the violin and continue to play and my non-musical goals are to do good in school and to keep doing what I like.
Dara: My musical goal is to play more styles of music.
Tell us a fun or interesting fact about yourself not related to music.
Dani: I do synchronized skating and I have a twin sister.
Dara: I am an artist and take lessons at a local studio. I also have a twin sister.
Many congratulations to Dani and Dara for their many successes and for being Stages first Student Spotlight of 2024!
Do you know a student who deserves to be recognized? Nominate them for our Stages Student Spotlight!
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