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Soundwave Scholars: Jacobi Collins

“Soundwave Scholars” is a series in which we highlight original music created by Electronic Music Production students.

The first nominee of the year is Jacobi Collins, a student of Jason Cohen. Jacobi is an Electronic Music Production student who has created an original song, “Revelation“. 

Keep reading to learn about Jacobi’s insights into the track and his future endeavors. 

Which specific artists or producers served as inspirations for this track? Can you highlight any elements that were influenced by them?

While my last project did not have any specific inspiration, a big inspiration of mine on slower tracks as such comes from Eminem’s “Darkness.” The slow and sad mood this song has developed into my style, especially with my current project and even my last.

The mood created by the atmosphere of the song, with the low frequency sounds and slow tempo, fits into my style perfectly, which can be seen in my projects.

How has your skill set has evolved through Electronic Music Production classes?

Throughout the music production classes, I have seen tremendous growth in my production skills. Sometimes I go back to projects I was working on a year or two ago and I can’t believe it’s the same person.

The music production classes have taken my skill level from beginner to advanced in a little under 2 years. Throughout the lessons I’ve had at Stages, I’ve learned the in and outs of Ableton and how to go in extreme depth when using it.

Most notably, my ability to mix a song and make it flow has gotten significantly better, with my songs going from choppy and unorganized to smooth and extremely organized.

What are your favorite things about Electronic Music Production at Stages?

My favorite thing about EMP at Stages is my class. The experience of having a class where you can relate to everyone is something that I enjoy. The different styles and skill levels of everyone in the class allows for me to learn from others.

Not only the class itself but my teacher, Jason, has been amazing with teaching me new techniques to take my music production to the next level, and is always super helpful when I have a problem. There is nothing like the experience of this class, and that makes the Electronic Music Production at Stages an amazing thing to experience.

Could you provide insight into any upcoming tracks or projects you’re working on?

My current project I’ve been working on is by far my most advanced project. In the track, I’ve taken all the elements of mixing I’ve learned from the lessons and used them to perfect the project.

Not only the mixing I’ve been taught, but through the experiences in class I’ve learned how to use my different creativity to my advantage, and I’ve developed my own style within my music.

What do you hope to do with music in the future?

In the future I’d like to become a music producer, creating music as my own songs. However, at some point I’d also like to incorporate a vocal to my music, whether I sing or rap, I’m not sure, but I will decide depending on how I produce.

Electronic Music Production Classes

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