Student Spotlight: Chloe Tan

Meet our first student spotlight for 2023 – bass student Chloe Tan. Chloe is a student of Paul Tokarz, who nominated her “because of her willingness to practice and how quickly she has progressed.” Paul says even though Chloe has been taking lessons for about a year, her technique is that of someone playing for 5 years and she has a great desire to grown and learn! Read on to learn more about this overachieving bass player!
What do you study and why did you pick that instrument?
I play the cello and piano and I’m learning the bass. I chose the bass because I wanted to learn with my sister and I like how it sounds.
Who is your teacher and what do you love about them?
My teacher is Mr. Paul. I like how he’s fine with the music I listen to and that he really tries to figure out the notes to the songs I want to play. He’s really nice and a good teacher.
What kind of music do like to listen to or play? Recent favorite artist?
I like to listen to indie, pop, k-pop, j-pop, j-rock, jazz, and lofi. I mostly like to play Japanese music because it’s fast paced and I really like how it sounds. My recent favorite artists are TUYU, ZUTOMAYO, and After The Rain.
What’s your favorite thing about Stages or do you have a favorite Stages memory?
My favorite thing is to just learn music. I really enjoy learning different techniques, how to play songs, and make a bass line. Also, it’s not stressful. Stages is way more fun than actual school.
What are your musical goals? What is one of your non-music related goals?
My musical goals are to join a band and to do my best to make the experience the most fulfilling I can make it. My non-music related goal is to do well and pass all of my classes.
Tell us a favorite fun fact about yourself NOT related to music.
I really like drawing. I draw with a pen a lot, and sometimes I’ll draw tattoos on myself or other people.
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